Home > Discs > Latitude 64 > River > Biogold River
About BioGold:
This is a mix of reprocessed material from Opto and Gold Line discs that have come up short during quality control. Recycled discs are usually slightly less stable than Opto and Gold discs, and they also break in a bit faster.
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Latitude 64 Biogold River 175.3g Latitude 64 Biogold River 175.3g Latitude 64 Biogold River 176.6g Latitude 64 Biogold River 174.0g
Latitude 64 Biogold River 174.3g Latitude 64 Biogold River 167.6g Latitude 64 Biogold River 167.7g Latitude 64 Biogold River 172.0g
Latitude 64 Biogold River 171.9g Latitude 64 Biogold River 171.8g